Long time no post.


 It’s been awhile since the last time I made a post here, and progress continues on Hexen – Edge of Chaos http://www.hexenmod.com/

As well as working on my map, h3m2 ~ The Forge.  While I’m also still of course making textures and other random things for the mod.

Progress continues, yes we are working on it. 😉

I should also mention I’v recently joined another tech4 mod team called Arx – End of Sun. Basically doing the same thing as I do on the Hexen EoC mod. ~ random textures and graphic materials, as well as some maping contents. Arx ~ EoS is also a mid-evil, swords and sorcery style game as Hexen is, however the End of Sun mod focuses more on the side of inventory role playing with graphic overlays similar to Diablo. More on Arx EoS here: http://arxendofsun.solarsplace.com/ I should add that while things seem kind of quiet over there, I predict there being some new random content in the near future. 😉

Both mods, EoC and EoS use the Doom3/idtech4 engine, however with all media/graphic/sound/code/game content resources created completely from scratch. For the record, I’m equally dedicated to both mods. 😉

In case you’re wondering, the id tech4 engine introduced a revolution in graphic lighting and shadowing which in turn basically gave art developers the advantage of placing anything in the map world to naturally and easily look scary, at a good frame rate. Which is exactly what id software was looking for when they created Doom3. idTech4 is a seriously powerful game engine and perfect for mod communities alike if you want things to look beautifully scary and run great! There aren’t too many game engines that offer this and then allow you the tools to create your own vision with it.

 Now the idtech4 source engine is soon to be released, and should drive mod makers absolutely bonkers when it comes out. All hail id software! Tune into Doomworld.com or Planetdoom.com to hear more on that.;)